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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

Enter Trust

Bilton Community Primary School

Wrap Around Care


Breakfast Club

  • Breakfast club is available to all children.
  • Payments will be non-refundable in the event of non-attendance as staffing ratios and resources will be put in place according to the register.
  • Bookings should be made and paid in advance on MCAS.
  • From September 2024 all FS1 children need to be booked on the FS1 Breakfast Club 2024-25.
  • Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
  • Gates are open between 7.30 - 8.20am and all children must be escorted to the Breakfast Club door and met by a member of staff.

After school club

  • After school club is available to all children.
  • Payments will be non-refundable in the event of non-attendance as staffing ratios and resources will be put in place according to the register.
  • Bookings should be made and paid in advance on MCAS.
  • From September 2024 all FS1 children need to be booked on the FS1 After School Club 2024-25.
  • Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes arise, causing delays in picking up your child from After-School Club. However, the recent increase in late collections has placed a significant strain on our staff resources.

Effective Monday 11th March 2024, a late collection charge of £5 will be applied for any child collected after 5:30pm. For every 15 minutes late, the £5 fee will increase in £5 increments. This fee reflects the additional staffing costs incurred when staff are required to stay beyond their contracted hours.
Persistent late collections may, unfortunately, result in the withdrawal of your child's place at After-School Club.

While we strive to offer this valuable service, it's important to remember that After-School Club provision is not a statutory requirement for schools. Our staff members have their own families and commitments outside of school, and their well­being is a priority. Regularly exceeding contracted hours creates an unsustainable workload and impacts their work-life balance.

We kindly request your cooperation in ensuring the prompt collection of your child from After-School Club by 5:30pm to avoid any inconvenience or additional charges.

To minimize late collections:

• Inform the After-School Club staff as soon as possible if you anticipate a delay in pick-up. The direct After-School telephone number is: 01482 337905

• Review your pick-up arrangements to ensure they are realistic and achievable.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or require clarification on our After-School Club policies, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.